Spare parts by CARLAYERS
With the additive manufacturing process, we produce numerous spare parts for a wide variety of vehicles and ship them worldwide, both to wholesalers and to end customers. This way, we want to counteract the phenomenon of spare parts becoming increasingly unavailable in order to be able to keep older vehicles alive as well.
Rare that you can still find solutions in the automotive repair area that simplify a repair significantly. The two-piece bushing for the shift rod on the Beetle works as described, the installation went easily.

For the VW Beetle
Achieve a shift feel like the first day with the help of our 2-piece shift rod bushing or optimized engine airflow thanks to our carbon fiber reinforced air filter housing!

For the Smart Roadster
The right spare parts for a perfectly running Smart Roadster soft top. Get all the roof gliders, as well as the right tools for installation and bring your soft top back to shape!

For the VW K70
A small but important spare part for the VW K70: the sun visor clips. Get a precise and accurate replica to use your sun visor again safely and flawlessly!